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The Church in Mission

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Table of Contents

William D. Taylor
Bertil Ekström
Part One: Biblical and Theological Foundations: Gospel,
Church, and Mission
Chapter 1: The Good Life? Reflections on the Highest Goals of Human Life
Richard Tiplady
Chapter 2: Why God Is Calling Out a People
Tom Hayes 9
Chapter 3: The Gospel in the Gospels
Andrew B. Spurgeon
Chapter 4: New Testament Metaphors of the Church
Eileen Poh
Chapter 5: The Essence of the Church: The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church
in God’s Purposes
Paul Coulter
Chapter 6: The Church as God’s Agent: A Study in Reflecting the Trinity
Peter Rowan
Chapter 7: The Church and Mission in the New Testament
Paul Joshua Bhakiaraj
Chapter 8: The Pilgrim Church
David D. Ruiz M.
Chapter 9: God’s Mission and the Church’s Mission
Hannes Wiher
Chapter 10: Paul’s Ecclesial Missiology
Bertil Ekström
Chapter 11: The Future Shapes the Present: Eschatology as Motivation for Mission
Rose Dowsett
Part Two: Contemporary Missiological Issues
Chapter 12: Mission and Ecclesiology—Why?
Birger Nygaard
Chapter 13: A Truly Missional Church: From Church-Centered Mission to
Kingdom-Centered Mission
Warren Beattie
Chapter 14: The Mission-Shaped Church in Global South Perspective: Trends and
Bertil Ekström
The vi Church in Mission
Chapter 15: The Church as a Transforming Community
Richard Tiplady
Chapter 16: The Missional Disciple
David D. Ruiz M. and Rita Rimkiene
Chapter 17: Church and Agency Relationship
Tom Hayes and Decio de Carvalho
Chapter 18: Movements of the Spirit: church planting and the Church in Mission
Jim Memory
Chapter 19: Indigenous Churches: Ethnic and Multicultural
Samuel Cueva
Chapter 20: African Monism versus Western Dualism: How the Church
Responds to Local Realities
Moss Ntlha
Chapter 21: Gospel and Church in China
Chapter 22: Effective Partnership: One Successful Venture
Tom Sanchez
Part Three: Church in Mission: Case Studies
Chapter 23: Globalized Christian Youth Movements
Adriaan Adams
Chapter 24: Meeting a Polish Roman Catholic
Rita Rimkiene
Chapter 25: The Dock Church in Belfast
Paul Coulter
Chapter 26: Impacting our World with Hope: New Life Church in Stockholm
John van Dinther
Chapter 27: Ethiopian Diaspora Mission
Wondimu Mathewos Game
Chapter 28: Japanese Churches Respond to the Earthquake and
Tsunami Disaster
Kenichi Shinagawa
Chapter 29: An Urban Church in São Paulo, Brazil
Edeval Campos Jr.
Chapter 30: Remember When
Bruce Huseby
Chapter 31: Three Stories from Southern Africa
Willie Crew and John Scholtz
Chapter 32: Church-Based Training
Paul Ng
Chapter 33: Unreached People Partnership in Central Asia
A Christian Brother
Bertil Ekström
Appendix: List of WEA Mission Commission Books

The Church in Mission
Foundations and Global Case Studies
by: Bertil Ekström (Editor)

What does it mean today to be a church totally committed to the gospel and fully engaged in God’s mission? What major religious and sociological trends in our world are affecting the role of the global church and local churches? How must we understand and be prepared to face these trends? How do we define “church” in the twenty-first century, being faithful to the Scriptures and at the same time relevant to a generation that does not believe in the institutional church anymore? What are some good models of missional churches in different regions of the world that will encourage and inspire those who long to see a church making difference in society and in the world? These are some of the issues that the book you are holding in your hands addresses. There are certainly no final answers and magical forms; rather, we present a broad and deep discussion on how the gospel should be lived out by Jesus’ followers in our time and through our communities.

Questions are raised and analyzed both from the perspective of a local church as well as from a global and general understanding of the Christian church. Some of our examples will focus more on local realities; others more on global challenges. The first part of the book is dedicated to a biblical and theological reflection on gospel, church, and mission. It includes Old and New Testament studies on the theological implications of being church, based on the biblical narrative.

The second part deals with a variety of contemporary missiological issues related to the broader theme of church and mission. Different perspectives from current discussions and dialogues around the globe are included, covering both ideological reflections and practical aspects of being a mission-shaped church. The third part presents regional and national case studies that show the enormous creativity in church planting and engagement of local communities in their own societies. Models applied in the secularized Europe are contrasted to ways of functioning as church in fast growing congregations in the global South.


  • This book is a refreshing reminder of God at work in the world today. We are encouraged to reflect and develop a missional understanding of church that appreciates the roles of the church in the global West and global South, recognizing that the Christian church is the most diverse and inclusive community on earth. The contributors challenge us not to think of “church and mission” as if they were two separate aspects of church but rather the “church in Mission.” Its rootedness in Scripture and reflections of “missions praxis” around the world is enriching, and encourages local church leaders to see “mission” as the work and responsibility of each church member wherever they may find themselves.
    Esme Bowersminister of religion at Calvary Sanctuary Full Gospel Church and secretary of the board of directors of the Lausanne Movement
  • This book is a feast for anyone who is passionately mission minded. With the biblical and theological foundations for missions by the church, the contemporary missiological issues and the case studies on the church in mission, this book is a delight. It addresses the key themes and issues for a strong reflection on the church and mission. Another thing I like about this book is that it is really global in its scope: geographically-wise, gender-wise and generation-wise. All the contributors are not only great commission global leaders, but also passionate and reflective practitioners. Do you want to deepen your ecclesiological and missiological reflections? This a very good place to be. Any reflective practitioner on mission by the church will like this book. It is a must read for any church and missional leader. I am expecting to see it become a book of reference in the mission world.
    Younoussa DjaoAfrica director, Cityteam International
  • It is a joy for me to welcome once again a publication from the WEA Mission Commission. Like previous publications, this is a valuable collection of evangelical reflection on practice. Authors come from a rich variety of situations and in some cases from decades of missionary experience in five continents. They engage in theological dialogue with both classic and contemporary theologians, and they also offer us fresh approaches to the understanding of Scripture with questions forged in missionary practice in places as diverse as Brazil, Singapore, Poland, or the USA. This book is evidence that evangelical missionary commitment continues to be alive around the world, but also that practitioners are engaged in a critical reflection about their practice.
    Dr. Samuel Escobarprofessor emeritus of missiology, Palmer Theological Seminary, presently teaching in the Facultad Protestante de Teología UEBE, Madrid, Spain
  • Church in Mission: Foundations and Global Case Studies offers readers an impressive collage of international perspectives on key missiological issues. Essays addressing theological foundations and current issues are complimented by case studies that illustrate how the church lives out its mission in a diversity of settings. Church in Mission makes a welcome contribution to the ongoing global conversation on theology and mission.
    Dr. Craig Ottprofessor of mission and intercultural studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

Additional Details

  • Pages: 276
  • Publisher: William Carey Library
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Publish Year: 2016
  • ISBN: 9780878080533
  • Vendor: William Carey Library

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